Tuesday 17 May 2011

Project 3 start

with this project we have to research into a logo and attempt to improve it somewhat (I think) so I decided to try something very well known and a challenge to do, Disney

The Disney logo (usually Micky or the Disney castle) is very well known around the world and seems to change slightly as the years go by to keep up with the ever changing society. Unlike most companies, Disney has a number of logo's and slogans for their many branches as well as the main center.

Disney dosen't really have any slogans rather they often use quotes from Walt Disney himself to promote the brand
I believe that Disney really dose do a lot to promote imagination and display the creations of their own so this sub slogan of theirs (although it's not the main one) is a very good fit.

I believe that Disney needs a solid slogan which fits a modern logo and will appeal with today's society of all ages though. There is always room for improvement and that is my goal for this project, to try and see if I can make this any better.

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