Sunday, 23 October 2011

new blog

just to clear things up, this is the blog I used for 171

Thursday, 14 July 2011

171 introduction

well it's the start of a new trimester and that means new courses

to start this course blog off I was to write what I believe is an important moment in design history

personally I believe the creation and continuous development of 3-D computer animation is an important part of design history
this statement is probably really bias as I am a huge admire of all 3-D animation works from the earliest works to the latest techniques which copy human expressions and emotions better than some human actors. The main reason I believe this is a big part of design history is that it has become such a huge contribution to modern design with movies, games and other mass medias.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Project 3 part 3 - Letter

Dear Disney

First off I would like to express my admiration to your company and it's history. I grew up with your movies and still enjoy them at my age.

Now to business, I have noticed lately that some of your new "Live Action" movies such as High School Musical are turning into shallow musicals with no real story but to draw in Pre-Teens with current fashions. Although I can kind of see what you were trying to do in keeping up with the times but I must say that this was not the way to go. These movies have taken away some of your originality flair that was shown in all your other movies, be them Animated, CG or Live Action. I may just be ranting for no reason but I must say that I see no point in these movies.

Personally, I still enjoy most of your new release movies, even some of the musicals, but I just can't see how these other movies fit in with your reputation. Perhaps you should have a deeper story and more of a "Disney Flare" to these in order to get more than just this small group of Pre-Teens watching them.

Alyssa Riach

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Project 3 part 2 - Poster

I would just like to mention that I made this with Gimp since my Laptop dose not have Photoshop.

Project 3 part 1 - Word

The Word is "Imagine" and it's made with striped balloons sewn together and lightly tacked on a Laptop. This is to reflect the child enjoyment Disney makes and how it's evolving with the time and technology. The background also reflects the innocent child entertainment Disney has and dose make over the many years.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Kasi Add

The comparison of the runner with the cheetah shows how our shoes improve performance and links with the kenya theme we want to show to the European market.
The deep drum music is also a link to the Kenyan roots we wish to keep when selling ourselves to the European market

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Logo pratical assignment

we were split into 6 groups on Monday and charged with designing a logo and slogan for a company made up by the tutors
I was in group 3 with Reed, Tom and Daniel

Our company was a sports manufacture from Kenya called Kasi which translate to speed. We decided to concentrate on running equipment and focused on the culture of Kenya for the logo.

The logo is taken form traditional Kenya sheilds and modifyed to fit modern society and the sleak look for fast running (the whole ying yang look helps too)